Saturday, 7 July 2012

From Indians to Pirates

Yesterday we were sold on a boat cruise down the river but unlike the earlier days we came back. As the last BB game was a night game we decided to go have a look at a Civil War monument in the heart of Cleveland.
As you can see it is a substantial monument and it is located in the middle of a roundabout.

There are four sculptures, located each on their own side simular as to the statues seen left. They represent Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery of the Union Army. Also represented is the Forces from the Navy such as Marines and Sailors.

Within the center of the monument is a room where every soldier who served from the district has their name inscribed o the walls. Not just those killed but all those who served. Erected in 1894 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the either The "War of Northern aggression" or the "Great Rebellion" depending on your point of view. It was the first sign I'd seen of anything commemorating the civil war.

Next we took the cruise out onto the great Lake (Errie?) to take a look at the cityscape.

We also took the trip up the river for its 6 navagateble  miles. Plenty of bridges cross the river, both road and rail which gave the city its name of the City of bridges.

To the right we can see the view of the City.

After the cruise I visited the USS COD a preserved WWII submarine.
She still is in original condition and is the best preserved of all the preserved subs from WWII. At $7.50 the tour was very concise although its a bit of a crouch to get into and very tight inside. Wouldn't have liked to serve on one as its very claustrophobic for me.

Last night we went to our last ballgame at Cleveland and saw a good game which the Tribe won 3 - 1, courtesy of three solo home runs. I have been fortunate to have witnessed 3 wins and 1 loss and to have been present at this great Venue, an event that I shall prize for the rest of my life.

Today we traveled from Cleveland Ohio to Pittsburgh Pa. It took over 2 1/2 hours on Freeways and was pretty straight forward. We thought that we had had a Navigator moment when we pulled up at our destination only to see a normal house and no motel anywhere in sight. Checked the address to find the wrong address had been entered. We soon arrived at our Motel only to find that we would have to take the car to the Ball Park. Considering its a night game at 7.05pm it will require some night driving. Wish us luck.

Neil W


  1. well l still see a bulldogs cap, get ready for another heartbreaking loss this weekend.
    stay well

    1. You've got me all confused with the US v OZ times gents. If you look back a few days you'll see I posted a note which I tried to place near your report of doings around the day 1HD telecast a game the Indians won against the Halos. In it, I mistakenly said it was '8/7 AEST'... of course it's still 7/7 as I write this.Neil, I rang kate today to see if she could let me have yr e-mail addr so I could check to see if you itinerants were OK with all the crappy weather around you at the mo. She said she would send it to me asap ... but, no joy so far. Anyway... doesn't matter now that Wes has tracked down yr blog for me. Do hope all IS OK with you blokes. Sounds pretty good so far. Lucky buggers!
