Sunday, 22 July 2012

Vic's Vapour rub? No Vicksburg

Sorry bad pun.
Left New Orleans this morning and guess what... No rain. Also no Navigator! My faithful servant has gone on strike! Was working in the Hotel but simply refused to run when we were in the car. Luckily it was a simple drive after we got out of New Orleans. It was simply getting out that was the problem. But out we got after some tricky driving and a bit of luck combined with Jim's road atlas.

Once on the road it rained for some of the way but gradually the rain eased and we had a sunny entrance into Vicksburg Mississippi. Sunny, in fact it became quite hot after a while and it was hard to take after being cool and wet after the last few days

Finally arrived at Vicksburg, about 2.30pm with plenty of time to take the driving tour of the battlefield. Here was the site of the Union Army's besieging of the town of Vicksburg in 1863.

 Seen here are several of the sites located around the battlefield.
It is difficult to envision today how the troops of the day saw the Battlefield as it is now covered by trees.

Historically the Confederates denuded the landscape completely for 700 yards in front of their defences so that they had completely clear approaches in front of their trenches. Unfortunately for the Confederates they had little artillery during the siege which allowed the union forces to attack with their artillery at will.

Whilst we were visiting the National Battlefield the re-en actors were showing how the Confederates gun crews manned their guns and fired them.
I was able to get some good video of the drill and the resultant firing of the 12lb Napoleon Gun.

Over-all a great day made complete with the sudden return to life of the Navigator at a time when it was much needed to find our Hotel. Unfortunately  for us the Hotel had lost its power. By the time we had returned from dinner the power had been restored thankfully.

By the way for all the "Porky's" crew I brought this at New Orleans


Called a Grand Hot Chocolate.

Tomorrow we head to Memphis Tennessee where we have an overnight stay before we head to St.Louis for a four night stay. Our time here is coming to a end.

Neil W

PPS I did forget to mention that we also in our tour of the battlefield see the USS Cairo Iron Clad Ship. She was suck by three torpedoes (Mines) and left sunken for aver 100 years. She was then raised and restored to as good a condition as could be. Below are some pictures of her.


Neil W


  1. don't forget Gracelands,poor Mytle did she have a hissy fit

    1. Glad to read you've gotten away from the storms for a bit lads. Now I know why N'orleans doesn't have an MLB team. More suited to water polo (and all that jazz)?

      Talking of sport Jim ... Bullies pipped by Carlton and, the Siorm went down AGAIN to Parramatta. Perhaps they'd be tailor- made for N'Orleans?!

      Take care laddies. Bob.M
